Visual Storytelling and Video


Q3-Q4 2023

Creating a branded product from a technological innovation

User Experience 

ALIA is revolutionary method of irrigation. Its inventor contracted me to help him communicate the benfits and advantages of the system to potential investors and clients.

Through a series of workshops with the client, I developed a clear and concise product story, a product brand and visual identity, a range of illustrations and infographics and condensed the 1,5 hour presentation into a 3,5 minute animated video. Allowing ALIA to generate more attention, resulting in negotiations with market leaders in the field.

Branding & positioning strategy | Visual Identity | Logo | Brand story | Slogan, pay-off | Copy | Video script | Infographics | Explainer video.
Key enabler of the transformation from an invention into a branded product.
Smart irrigation grid router - Still from explainer animation
Drawbacks of traditional irrigation - Still from explainer animation
Benefits of irrigation smart grid - Still from explainer animation
Irrigation Mesh grid - Still from explainer animation
Irrigation Mesh grid - Still from explainer animation
Smart routers - Still from explainer animation

Are you looking to engage your audience, need to explain something complex, or do you want create an easy to use experience?

Let's talk about it.

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