IT Learning Game

ING Bank


Helping programmers experience the mechanisms of an IT chain

User Experience 
Program Engagement

How do you help IT professionals understand the impact of their work on the complete IT chain that its part of?

Sometimes something is too big to grasp in one go. Too complex to learn from paper. So instead of a stack of books my team and I developed a learning game, that alows programmers to play with an ever growing chain of applications.

This way understanding of the interactions and load in large IT landscapes can be experienced, helping the player to gradually build up understanding. This project was an intense collaboration between experts from ING Bank, information scientists form the University of Amsterdam and my team of designers and game developers.

3D learning game
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Project Management
Game Still

Are you looking to engage your audience, need to explain something complex, or do you want create an easy to use experience?

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